Project Description

Michele Ruiz

Michele Ruiz
President and
Chief Operating Officer
Ruiz Strategies

CEO-to-CEO Plenary Session – Driving Sustainable Value Creation
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.

Michele Ruiz is a communication specialist, bi-lingual entrepreneur, bestselling author and keynote speaker whose passions are entrepreneurship, empowerment, all things communication, content marketing, social media and technology.

As an entrepreneur she is focused on educating, inspiring and empowering business owners. She’s also a communication specialist, sharing insights, guidance and strategies related to communications, crisis communications, content marketing, social media marketing, and thought leadership. Michele contributes to 3rd party media and content sites as an entrepreneurial and communication expert. Michele also represents some of largest corporations in the world as a brand ambassador wanting to harness the power of her influence in their relevant marketing campaigns. Some of these high-value influencer campaigns have included national speaking tours.

Michele is a keynote speaker on a variety of topics including inspirational and motivational themes based on her life story. She also speaks on business communication, content marketing, crisis communications, social media, entrepreneurship, leadership and empowerment.